‘Fauxpersky’ malware steals and sends passwords to an attacker’s inbox

A newly-discovered keylogger malware has been found infecting computers in the wild. Though the malware is far from advanced, it’s efficient at stealing passwords.

WordPress Parameter Resource Consumption Remote DoS attack (CVE-2018-6389 )

A zero-day vulnerability in WordPress core was disclosed, which allows an attacker to perform a denial of service (DoS) attack against a vulnerable application. The vulnerability exists in the modules used to load JS and CSS files. These modules were designed to decrease page-loading time, but have effectively rendered the WordPress core susceptible to DoS …

Why Virtual Dedicated Server hosting gaining Popularity ?

Virtual servers made a noise, but IT industry’s advancement doesn’t have any intention. Not everyone is satisfied with the rigidity of servers or the insecurity of sharing hosting. The search for stable and more secure hosting alternatives resulted in another innovation – dedicated servers hosting service. Based on Hyper Visor technologies, VDS provides a dedicated …