Social Media Marketing

Using Benefits of Social Networking Sites as a Tool of Promoting Websites

Social Media Marketing

Marketing has always been a crucial part of a business. Good companies have become great on the sheer basis of effective marketing strategies. In the era of huge competition, organizations are going great length to advertise and promote their products and earn valuable customer loyalty.

The concept of marketing has kept evolving with the passage of time. Companies are forced to adopt new changes in their marketing strategies to remain relevant. If there is one factor that has really affected the way marketing plans are being defined then it must be technology.

In the new century, the marketing tools of earlier years were rendered obsolete. Those who manage to anticipate the changes and adopt them quickly have better chances of survival. Social media marketing is one such great change that many companies have started to accept in a big way. Though, it is still in a nascent stage but canny marketing strategists are already harping onto the next big marketing revolution taking place in form of social media marketing.

Marketing has always been a crucial part of a business. Good companies have become great on the sheer basis of effective marketing strategies. In the era of huge competition, organizations are going great length to advertise and promote their products and earn valuable customer loyalty. The concept of marketing has kept evolving with the passage of time. Companies are forced to adopt new changes in their marketing strategies to remain relevant. If there is one factor that has really affected the way marketing plans are being defined then it must be technology.

In the new century, the marketing tools of earlier years were rendered obsolete. Those who manage to anticipate the changes and adopt them quickly have better chances of survival. Social media marketing is one such great change that many companies have started to accept in a big way. Though, it is still in a nascent stage but canny marketing strategists are already harping onto the next big marketing revolution taking place in form of social media marketing.

The concept of social media marketing basically refers to the process of promoting business or websites through social media channels. It is a powerful marketing medium that is defining the way people are communicating. It is one of the significantly low-cost promotional methods that provide businesses large numbers of links and huge amount of traffic. Companies manage to get massive attention and that really works in favor of the business. Social media marketing is a potent method applied by progressive companies for selling their products/services or for just publishing content for ad revenue.

Social media is an extremely useful tool using which companies can get their information, product descriptions, promotions all ingrained in the chain of networking world. Considering the newness of this marketing method, organizations are coming up with innovative ways to develop their marketing plans. New platforms are being created to approach potential clients. A large number of business organizations are allocating budget for online business development using social media marketing. It is a booming sector which is going to redefine the way marketing strategies are being formed and promoted.

Why you need to consider social media marketing services ?

Size :

Facebook has over 250 million users globally. On an average, 70-100 tweets happen by the second. An average user on Facebook has 120 friends. This is the kind of enormity Social networking sites espouse and with this comes the license to communicate powerfully. But when such large numbers are involved, there is a danger of something going wrong and when it does, it happens in a big way. You may be a regular user of networking sites, but when you involve business with it, an expert should be hired to do what is best for your business.

Transparency :

no cheat code involved. No black hat techniques allowed. Everything that happens in the social networking landscape is foolproof. You cannot fake authenticity in an attempt to get more people involved. Members can choose to associate with you or opt out. Opinions made on social networking platforms are taken seriously and the more authoritative you get, more seriously you are taken. When you win, you win in a big way.

Reach :

It is possible to make your mark globally and do it quickly using social networking sites.

Boost website traffic :

social media is probably the fastest and easiest means of redirecting traffic to your website. By simply placing your website URL in your profile, you can have all your profile visitors check out your website and a percentage of traffic is sure to get converted in course of time. This is the virtual way version of "word-of-mouth".

Branding :

Buying a candy may have been impulsive all your life, but if it is discussed on a social networking site, you are likely to get brand conscious even a candy. Social media is a smart way to build brands. Social media platforms are known to be one of the most powerful and fast means of branding. Some of the big brands like Coke, Ford, Dell, IBM, Burger King are some of the well-known brands have powerfully used social media platforms to endorse themselves.

Systron Micronix :

is extensive experience offering a full suite of social media marketing services to clients around the globe. We understand the ins and outs of every major social media network and can help you build a presence on these sites that increase brand awareness and recognition while increasing your bottom line.

Our Social Media Marketing campaign will be designed around your specific needs and objectives. With an SMM account manager handling every aspect of your campaign, it is only a matter of time before you achieve your social media goals.

We use the following services to help you build a strong online presence and leverage social media to your advantage

Blogging :

Blogging consists of maintaining an ongoing chronicle of information online. Short for "weblogs," blogs have become an extremely important part of the social media landscape. Systron Micronix is a social media marketing agency that offers blogging services for its clients. From writing catchy blog posts to distributing content to ensuring that it gets read by plenty of people, you can leave it to Systron Micronix to take care of all aspects of your social media blogging campaign.

We will assign you a writer who will capture your personal voice and branding message in each blog post. Our social media marketing consultant will make your blog social media-friendly by making it easier for people to link, tag, and bookmark your blog posts. We will integrate your blog into your overall marketing campaign and promote your posts to spread awareness of your brand.

Viral Marketing :

Viral marketing is a strategy that encourages people to pass a marketing message on to others. A business’ exposure and influence can grow exponentially through viral marketing. In the offline world, viral marketing is referred to as "word-of-mouth" and "creating a buzz."

Viral marketing promotions may consist of video clips, e-books, images, articles, or interactive Flash games. Viral marketing makes use of communication networks that are already in place, spreading marketing messages faster than any third-party ad campaigns.

Systron Micronix :

offers a broad range of social media marketing services, including viral marketing. As an SMM company in India with extensive experience promoting viral content, we know just what it takes to create and promote marketing messages that spread like wildfire.

Facebook Communities :

As an SMM company in India with an extensive amount of experience running social media campaigns, Systron Micronix understands the power and importance of Facebook communities. Facebook is an incredibly popular social networking site that allows you to build communities based on your interests.

By building a Facebook community around your company or organization, you can create a platform where your loyal customers can come together. You can also communicate with your customers, sharing news, receiving feedback, and providing customer service. At Systron Micronix, we will set you up with a social media marketing consultant who will help you build a powerful Facebook community. Your Facebook community will serve as an audience to your marketing messages for a long time coming.

Twitter Profiles :

Twitter is an increasingly popular social networking and microblogging service. Updates on Twitter, which are known as tweets, cannot be longer than 140 characters. Although it may be hard for many people to fathom how it could benefit their business to write updates consisting of 140 characters for groups of strangers, Twitter has proven time and time again to be a very powerful marketing tool. Twitter enables you to network, attract new clients, promote your content, and communicate with current customers. Systron Micronix can create an effective Twitter profile that helps you attract more followers and boost your presence on this wildly popular microblogging site.

Video Optimization :

Video optimization serves as a powerful component of your social media marketing strategy. Videos expose prospects to your brand and can be used to attract visitors to your website. Viral videos receive tons of links and video web pages often outperform conventional web pages in search engine results.

Recently, Google launched universal search, so you can expect to see an increasing number of videos occupying search results on Google. Make sure your videos show up there too by utilizing Systron Micronix’s video optimization services. We will help you create and optimize videos that attract new clients and substantially increase traffic to your website.

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