Best SEO Plugins for WordPress to Get Higher Rankings

There are many aspects to SEO and how it can improve the visibility of your site. Which one is why it can be confusing for some website owners on which to focus on when all aspects seem equally IMPORTANT.

It’s a good thing that a lot of WordPress plugin developers have created essential SEO plugins to help website owners with the challenge of creating search engine optimized sites. With these WP plugins, one need not be an SEO expert to ensure his website ranks as high as it can in search engines.

If you have a new website or have had a website for a while but haven’t installed any SEO plugins yet, then it’s time to consider choosing one and start your own SEO test for your site.

To help you out, we’ve rounded up the few best SEO plugins for WordPress and how they can improve your website’s overall SEO standing.

  • Yoast SEO

this plugin, you can assign keywords to a blog post so you can focus on using it throughout the entire content. There’s also a snippet view that shows how the post will look like in search results.

Another feature called Page Analysis makes sure all your focus keywords are in place, including your meta description, post title or subheadings and images.

Other features include the most advanced XML sitemaps

which you can enable by simply checking a box, RSS optimization to fight against other websites using your content and Breadcrumbs navigation for posts and pages.

For more detailed information on this plugin, you can read our detailed guide on Yoast SEO Plugin on their website.

  • All in One SEO Pack

This plugin also has over 1 million active users to date and a rating of 4.5/5 from 249 reviews.

Although its features are similar with Yoast, All in One SEO Pack claims to be the only plugin that integrates with WordPress E-commerce sites. Also, one of its unique features are automatically generating meta tags and optimizing titles for better search ranking.

The best thing about this WordPress SEO plugin is that there is little tweaking needed and it works as soon as it’s installed.

  • SEO Ultimate

SEO Ultimate has the basic SEO features covered but adds unique ones that are designed to keep SEO practices at the forefront of content creation. In addition to title tags and meta description editors, it has a long list of deep linking functions that includes putting a link in a draft that activates when it’s published.

Another user-centric feature is the Author Highlighter, which includes an author’s Google+ profile in search results.

  • Squirrly SEO

Squirrly SEO is a plugin that ensures content is optimized for both search engines and readers. It’s SEO for the average user with little to no SEO knowledge.

SEO advice is given in real-time while writing blog posts, with green indicators letting the writer know their SEO is covered. It also provides analytics for posts and pages on a weekly basis. If you don’t know the first thing about SEO but want to improve it for your site, this plugin will help you out.

  • Premium SEO Pack

Premium SEO Pack is a premium plugin but delivers a truckload of features that easily makes it worth paying for. One of its most notable features is that it can help you compress CSS and JS to help you improve your site’s load speeds. Other than this you also get rich snippet integration, video sitemap, and local SEO.

The plugin also packs in bulk optimization for your WordPress pages and posts to make things less time consuming and simple. The plugin also helps you to create an XML sitemap, show you stats from Google Analytics at the convenience of your dashboard, and also helps you to monitor and redirect all the 404 pages.

Social Network growth is also crucial in gauging your ranking on the search engine ladder. It, itself is also an imperative source for traffic, and luckily, Premium SEO Pack keeps tabs on the size and growth rate of your social network. You can also interlink your content, provide ALT tag to your images and use a built-in 301 redirect module to handle all the links on your website.

  • SEO WordPress

This is a rather simple WordPress plugin that stands out only for its Google Authorship and Google Analytics integration. In addition to that, most SEO features are found on this plugin, including keyword, title and meta optimization, XML sitemaps, Breadcrumbs, Google and Bing Webmaster Tools Verification.

More aimed towards the beginner, this plugin works out of the box without messing with the settings after installation.

  • Google Analytics WD

As it should be clear by now, with SEO, you are trying to Optimize your site for the Search engine rankings. And since most of the searches are carried out through Google, what would be a better tool than Google Analytics WD.

Google Analytics is a very popular tool that offers insights to your site’s traffic and thus helps you make “data-driven” decisions to help increase the traffic even further. Besides, when it comes to growing a business, tracking your visitors and monitoring the conversion RATE

is crucial in determining proper strategy. Now you might say that the features are very basic. But they are efficient, effective and best of all; the plugin is free.

Anyhow, options are not also that basic, and you do get incisive data in the form of pie charts and line graphs. You can also check different pieces of information from the comfort of your WordPress dashboard, like – outbound clicks, SEO performance, sales conversion, IP address tracking, etc. The plugin also shows you how much money is coming through Adsense and Adwords, and which one of your web pages is reeling in those dollars.

  • SEOPressor

This is a premium WordPress SEO plugin that covers every possible aspect of SEO and puts equal attention to all of it.

For starters, SEOPressor not only ensures that content is keyword-rich, but it also makes sure it shows at the right places and in the right frequency. It also has an “over-optimization” warning tool that limits your SEO tweaks so as not to violate Google’s Webmaster Guidelines.

Pricing for this plugin can either be a one-time payment of $47 for a single-site license or a $497 one-time fee and $5 per month plan, both for multi-site.

  •  Keyword Rank Tracker

tracks your keyword rank. It is a great way to check your SEO rank right from your WP dashboard. helps sites owner to track Google’s keywords position of pages in search results.

Systron Micronix Also offers Marketgoo SEO Solution at an effordable rates.

Dedicated Server Hosting is here to stay for long

Shared web hosting can appear to be an amazing value from a cost point of view, with feature-packed products available for just a few dollars every month. But the reality is often very different, and they’re not always the bargains they seem, Performance will be poor as there aren’t enough resources to go around, and the extra load could mean more server problems and downtime, they do not withstand the performance needed to exploit the surging businesses.

Opting for a dedicated server means that you get an entire server to yourself. There’s no sharing of CPU time, RAM, or bandwidth, which means your website stays responsive at all times.

Dedicated Server hosting implies that you also get far more control over how the server is configured. You can add and remove software, install updates, or tweak all settings, allowing you to optimize the server for your specific needs.

Best of all, dedicated server hosting contracts often come with fast and knowledgeable support. Systron Micronix will even monitor your server for issues, like failed services, and can often fix them before you’ve realized there was a problem.

This kind of power doesn’t come cheap, and although there are some good signup deals around, you can easily spend $100-$1000 a month and more on just a package that suits your needs.

With that kind of investment, it’s important to make the right choice for right dedicated server. Systron Micronix Fits on all parameters of scalability, Security, Performance and Support at a very reasonably priced cost. Systron accepts payments using all major credit cards, PayPal and BitCoin.

SSL validity change to one year only

An industry-wide requirement set by Apple and Google, stating that any two-year SSL certificate issued after August 30, 2020, will be distrusted in their browsers.

That’s right: 398 days is the maximum length for a publicly issued server cert. If it’s longer, browsers and other HTTPS code will reject the cert as invalid.

Beginning UTC 12.00 am August 19, 2020, Sectigo will only be issuing one-year (up to 398 days) SSL certificates. And Digicert is highly doing the same at the end of August. Kindly note that this only applies to public TLS certificates. Other types of certificates (e.g. Code Signing Certificates, S/MIME certificates, etc.) will be unaffected and will have the same maximum validity that they have today.

However, any two-year SSL certificate issued before 12:00 am UTC on August 19, 2020, will be valid for two-years (up to 825 days).

Therefore we recommend you renew the certificate and top your certificate validity before the deadline, save time, and trouble for you to go through the validation process next year (especially for OV&EV certificate).

Dropbox Phishing Scam : Don’t Get Fooled by Fake Shared Documents

Hackers use familiar brands like Dropbox to steal login credentials and spread malware

It’s funny how hackers, phishers, and scamsters can be blatantly obvious and inexplicably unpredictable at the same time. I’m saying obvious because they target the most widely used services/platforms and lots of users know what they’re up to — not just security professionals, but many ordinary users know about these phishing scams and what to look for. Phishers might be predictable in going after big names but it’s the unpredictability in their approaches that makes them tick. Time after time, they come up with new ways that help them achieve exactly what they want and make them “successful.” The Dropbox phishing scam is a perfect illustration of this.

Continue reading “Dropbox Phishing Scam : Don’t Get Fooled by Fake Shared Documents”