Simple Tips to Improve your Website Security

Understand the simple rule, Any loophole in your system is an open invitation for hackers to attack your website at there will and fantasty. So the Thmb rule is simple, Keep all your doors secured and patch and monitor loopholes. Here we offer your few simple advices that could help you secure your website effectively …

Vulnerability in the kernel allows privilege escalation through directory manipulation

Recently Qualys security researchers (a cloud security, compliance and related services company) released details of a vulnerability what they detected and what they affect the Linux kernel. CVE-2021-33909 affects the kernel and allows a local user to achieve code execution and escalate privileges by manipulating highly nested directories. The vulnerability is due to the lack of …

WordPress best plugin for website security

Sucuri Sucuri is the multi-functioned high profile security plugins which help you to notify the login attempts via email or other means. It helps to detect the malware or any malicious virus codes and clean it on time. It can be scheduled to check your entire website in hours, days or weeks. It provides complete …