Dropbox Phishing Scam : Don’t Get Fooled by Fake Shared Documents

Hackers use familiar brands like Dropbox to steal login credentials and spread malware

It’s funny how hackers, phishers, and scamsters can be blatantly obvious and inexplicably unpredictable at the same time. I’m saying obvious because they target the most widely used services/platforms and lots of users know what they’re up to — not just security professionals, but many ordinary users know about these phishing scams and what to look for. Phishers might be predictable in going after big names but it’s the unpredictability in their approaches that makes them tick. Time after time, they come up with new ways that help them achieve exactly what they want and make them “successful.” The Dropbox phishing scam is a perfect illustration of this.

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19-year old DDoS-for-Hire service hacker has been arrested

The world biggest DDoS-for-Hire service was stopped after the Croatian Police arrested the teenage mastermind hacker. At the webstresser.org the registered users could launch a DDoS attack against their targets for €15 or BitCoin. This way technical skills weren’t required for starting such an attack.

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‘Fauxpersky’ malware steals and sends passwords to an attacker’s inbox

A newly-discovered keylogger malware has been found infecting computers in the wild. Though the malware is far from advanced, it’s efficient at stealing passwords.

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